Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Are we There yet?

By Peter Granata, President, Granata Design  — There comes a time in everyone’s business life when we are faced with having to make a critical decision that requires action. We’re getting very close to being “there.”
Many of us will have to decide if we are going to aggressively pursue sales during the upcoming selling season, or continue to wait until something happens. In choosing to wait, we may be deciding upon an inglorious end to our business.
Most of the industry has conceded that the 2009 selling season was a bust, and so far, I haven’t found anyone who wants to repeat THIS year!
It’s nearing the time to sing or get off the stage. The 2010 selling season begins next month, starting with the boat shows. If you’re a dealer, it’s time to clean up that inventory and try to put on a fresh face; if you’re a boat manufacturer, you might want to be working on some exciting new product for next year.
Human behavior being what it is, most of us will be looking forward to the holidays and the time off from business worries.
Once the holidays have passed, I anticipate that the beginning of the new year will bring a flurry of activity from many dealers and boat builders alike. Sort of like a poorly organized fire drill. Unless, of course, you are one of the few that have planned for your future instead of just waiting for it to happen.
It’s December, please remember you’re just around the corner from being “there.”
Boating Industry Guest Blog December 2009